Sunday, October 28, 2012


As Abigail's first Halloween approaches, many preparations must be made. Costumes, decorations, parties, and Jack-O-Lanterns top the VanDongen list. Well, the middle VanDongen, Sam, has been training for Trick-or-Treating with wind sprints and push-ups. The kid doesn't even like candy; he's just turned Trick-or-Treating into a competition.

The Saint Olaf Halloween Carnival has been a tradition for us since Alex was in first grade. It's an evening of good clean Catholic fun; zombies, angels, and guilt. Sam fell into the zombie realm, Abi was the angel disguised as a pumpkin, and the guilt was the served pizza dripping with cholesterol.

After the carnival, Sam had a soccer game in Logan. During the hour and half drive to the game, I questioned the logic of competition soccer for a 10 year old. Parents pay literally thousands of dollars in fees, gas, equipment, training, and trips every year for soccer. The money I spent trying to secure Alex a soccer scholarship would have almost paid for her college education. But then, we have one of those moments, where your son (or daughter as it was with Alex) scores a goal during a game, or saves a goal, or has a great play - and they look to the sideline to find a parents approval, then they smile - that makes it worth every penny.

Sunday was spent at grandpa Dave's and grandma Paulette's house. It was Abigail's first visit to their house. We enjoyed an afternoon of extreme pumpkin carving.


Why is it extreme pumpkin carving? Look closely at the pictures. We're outside on Grandpa Dave's deck. What you'll notice is a pile of pumpkins that rivals that at the local grocery store. In the background of one picture, you'll see a high definition flat screen TV on his deck. Yes, Sunday football outside on a deck. The second picture shows the assortment of tools used to carve the pumpkins; knives, saws, and power tools.

So what's the deal with the hard hats? The grandparents have a very large walnut tree that grows above their deck; and, it's harvest time with no harvesters. Therefore, the walnuts become random high speed projectiles accelerating toward earth at 32.2 ft/sec/sec (or 9.8 meters/sec/sec for fuzzy Europeans reading this). After the first few walnuts hit within inches of our heads; in true machismo fashion, rather than move the carving activity and sacrifice our view of the football game, we just put on hard hats. Problem solved and extreme pumpkin carving was born.

The pumpkin results were less than perfect. In fact, it's a miracle I still have all my fingers. I'm not really sure Grandpa Dave escaped unscathed; the power drill slipped several times turning normal looking Jack-O-Lanterns into Cyclopes resembling the old 'Mr. Bill' from Saturday Night Live.

The question begged is: Where was Alex during all this? That is a story for another day.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Hail Moab!

We ventured out on one of our bi-annual trips to Moab this last weekend. It was Abigail's first real adventure away from home. Alex made the trip with her friend Natalie. Sam's friend Matthew also joined the clan.

We camped in the RV. I use 'camp' very loosely. We actually stayed in an RV park, Arch View Campground. We had electricity, hot water, heat, and a non-communal toilet; not quite camping.

Arch View Campground is a unique place. It is 10 miles north of Moab on US 191. It really does have panoramic views of Arches National Park, it is 'Red Neck' heaven because of the ATV access, and the cabins appeal to the yuppie hiking biking crowd because of it's proximity to Canyonlands, Arches and dozens of biking trails.

Cristal and I tend to be Red Neckish, unless we're with our Red Neck friends, then we're the greenies. So I guess that really makes us more purplish than anything. In any case, we've always had a great time at Arch View and always meet interesting people.

We all arrived Thursday night to brewing thunder storms. The storms did not stifle a camp fire. Abigail experienced her first camp fire at the Arch View communal camp fire site; reds, greens, and purples all enjoyed a crackling fire underneath brewing desert storms, MAGNIFICENT!

Alex asked about going for a run Friday morning before the day's activities kicked off. I chuckled, obliged, and told her it would be raining; really having no expectation of running. However, at O-Dark-Thirty she rustled me out of my bag for a jog.

There are a few moments in a person's life that are permanently etched into to the archives of their mind. Our morning run was one of them. Alex and I exited the trailer to the moist, pre-dawn, Moab air. The skyline to the east was a blaze with the green hue of sun rise. The eastern horizon was dominated by the 'Windows' area of Arches National Park. I counted the arches as I ran.

We found ourselves running south on US 191. A glance to the west toward Canyonlands National Park drew us onto 313. We were then running directly into a storm; the sun rise behind us reflecting green on the western clouds and red on the cliffs. The rain was a slow drizzle. There was no sound other then our foot steps and the occasional truck on the fading 191 highway behind us. Alex was wearing her Army ROTC gear and out running me. We did not take any photos. We really didn't even talk; we both just took in the magic of a moment.

That run is definitely one of the highlights of the mural of my life. Thank God for parenthood and the strength to 'just do it'.

After the run, the crew wanted to hike in Arches National Park. However, the lightning and thunder cells hovering above the park pushed us to Canyonlands National Park; which was every bit as spectacular.

Canyonlands Island in the Sky district is comprised of many overlooks accessed by a vehicle. However, there are a few hikes here and there. We tried one hike, Upheaval Dome. About a mile into the hike a thunder storm rolled above us with gusting winds and sideways hail; we all ran a mile back to the vehicles. Thankfully, Cristal and Abigail had not left the truck yet due to the 100th feeding of the day.

Abigial's adventure was on the Mesa Arch hike. A relatively short and harmless hike. Harmless to the arch that is. Once we reached the arch, another thunder cell moved in, literally within seconds. The temperature dropped 15 to 20 degrees, the winds were 40 to 50 MPH, and the hail was hitting us sideways. The Mesa Arch photos were terrible because nobody could stand still.

I tucked Abigail into my gortex rain jacket and ran down the trail with Cristal following close behind. Cristal snapped a photo for posterity. The boys called the experience a 'memory maker'.


We took advantage of every break in the clouds to snap photos of the crew and canyons.

The day ended around the camp fire with the reds, greens, and purples...this time under the endless starry desert night.

Saturday on the Slickrock Trail was the mountain bike equivalent of a blue bird powder day on the Wasatch. Perfect temperature, perfect humidity, views of the slickrock topped by the snow capped La Sal Mountains, and two fearless young boys eager to bag a worldclass bike trail. Sam and Matthew rode the entire Slickrock loop with the added side trails thrown in for good measure. All in all, they rode about 13 miles on mountain bikes.

Of course 13 miles on a mountain bike required sustenance. The boys were introduced to my favorite energy gel. I'm pretty sure it was not their favorite.

The boys left some blood and skin on the trail, but not one tear. I couldn't have been prouder riding with them.

Sunday morning we had one goal - a hike in Arches National Park. Again, we were up to see the sun rise over the eastern horizon and the Windows arches area. We headed into Arches National Park and tackled the Delicate Arch hike.

Alex and Natalie had a different goal - mudding the Soveriegn Trail in the Rhino. They had already attempted the trail with the boys the night before; but, Sunday provided the opportunity to really hit it. As can be seen, Abi was the only helmetless law breaker the night before - laws are more of a guideline if you really think about them.

The hike was fabulous. There were only a few other crazies on the trail that early. Abigail rode on my chest and loved watching the red rock wonderland pass by. We made it to the arch and went photo crazy.

It was truly a magical trip for the VanDongens...a MEMORY MAKER!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'

October 8th 2012 - Abigail rolls over for the first time...and Cristal captures it on video. Of course it was exhausting work, so Sam helped Abi go to sleep by cuddling.

It's really crazy that Sam goes from sweet little brother soothing his sister to spaghetti sandwich monster with his friend Matthew! Hey man...carb load before a big game.

Abigail is preparing for her first trip to Moab. I'm pretty sure Abi will be riding slickrock by the time she's 1. I almost bought her a season ski pass this year...I'm sure I'll get her on the snow.

Maybe I'm being one those Dad's that sets expectations too high for their kids. But, all I asked from Alex and Sam was U.S. National Team Soccer Players. The funny thing is that's Sam's plan, then he wants to be a soldier, and then a priest in a retirement home (his words). From Abi...maybe ski racer this time around???

Friday, October 5, 2012

PROUD Sister

Excitement filled the VanDongen home in anticipation of the University of Utah football game against the University of Southern California. The U playing the 13th ranked team in the nation, at Rice Eccles Stadium, had us pretty worked up.

The excitement turned to pride when Alex arrived at the house. Although, as is the norm, she stayed just long enough to steal kisses and food.

Alex is training to be an American soldier and officer in the Army through the U of U ROTC program. In a few years she'll be leading men and women in our armed forces and caring for the wounded and sick. Mom, Dad, Sam and Abigail couldn't be more proud of her.

Alex has a long hard road to navigate through college and ROTC. But, that adversity will build character; and the character will build competence; and the competence will save lives. And, of course, her family support will be there every step of the way.

Alex's good friend Natalie Durham visited too. Natalie helps Alex with her coaching, fashion, and pretty much life. Natalie is a sucker for Abigail smiles.

Then came the football game. Within two minutes the Utes were leading 14-0. But, at the final whistle, it was USC 38 and Utes 28. It was a disappointing loss. However, the 28 points the Utes did score, led to much jubilation and celebration. Sam and Dad's couch dancing high fives certainly had Abigail questioning her family's sanity.

The next day Abigail mingled with the 4th grade boys at Saint Olaf School. Sam's class held a 'State Fair' to show off 'State' projects they had been working on.

Sam's state was Rhode Island...really Rhode Island? Is it really even an Island? Thank goodness, earlier this week, a crazy lady in Providence hit a poodle that stuck to her license plate for several miles before being saved by state troopers; or else all Sam would have had to talk about was why it was alright for Rhode Islanders to eat their state bird.

Abigail enjoyed hanging with the boys in Ms. Turner's class. Her expression does not do her enthusiasm justice.

Every good day deserves a bath. Abigail loves her sink baths.

Life is getting good. Everyday is a new adventure...