Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'

October 8th 2012 - Abigail rolls over for the first time...and Cristal captures it on video. Of course it was exhausting work, so Sam helped Abi go to sleep by cuddling.

It's really crazy that Sam goes from sweet little brother soothing his sister to sleep...to spaghetti sandwich monster with his friend Matthew! Hey man...carb load before a big game.

Abigail is preparing for her first trip to Moab. I'm pretty sure Abi will be riding slickrock by the time she's 1. I almost bought her a season ski pass this year...I'm sure I'll get her on the snow.

Maybe I'm being one those Dad's that sets expectations too high for their kids. But, all I asked from Alex and Sam was U.S. National Team Soccer Players. The funny thing is that's Sam's plan, then he wants to be a soldier, and then a priest in a retirement home (his words). From Abi...maybe ski racer this time around???

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