Sunday, September 30, 2012

Autumn Adventure

There's something about Autumn that inspires adventure for our family. Maybe its the cooler temperatures after the blistering heat of July and August. Maybe its the mountains blazing with natures season changing hues. Or maybe its just an excuse to not partake in daily druthers. Whatever the case, we're happy for the inspiration.

Abigail attended her first Oktoberfest. It was the Saint Olaf's second annual Oktoberfest. The event is a fund raiser for the church and school; face painting, pony rides, bingo, vendor booth, and the most popular activity - beer garden.

Our family volunteers to help with Oktoberfest. Alex runs the first aid booth - band aids, bee stings, and the occasional over indulged Catholic tend to be the extent of medical needs. I coordinate the security needs for the event - which effectively consists of contacting Bountiful City Police to let them know the Catholics are partying and to stay away.

Abigail had a friend at Oktoberfest, William Skorut. They had belly time together in the grass; Abigial was shy, William looked like he was doing calculus with his fingers.

Abigail has enjoyed Mueller Park Canyon walks in the mornings with Mom and Pele. Mountain hikes invigorate the body, mind and soul...which is certainly why Abigail looks so invigorated.

Pele is funny around Abigail. He completely ignores her; in fact, if he could talk, I have no doubt he would inquire what the 'big deal was about something that only eats, cries, and poops'. After all, Pele is the do anything dog.

I've been drawn to the hills, not only by the Fall colors, but the extended big game bow hunt too. Although, I have to admit, when I'm walking through the hills alone, I tend to take photographs more than I hunt. I'm a terrible hunter; I hear the deer jump up and run away from me in the Oak Brush, but I never see them. It's all good though, sitting in Shepard Canyon, watching the eagles catch their thermals while the sun is setting in the middle of a mountainside of color is enough to keep me going back.

Utah is a wondrous place to live. With a sister like Alex, a brother like Sam, and mom like Cristal, Abigail's adventures will fill a lifetime...I can't wait.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Belly Button Lint

Abigail now weighs a whopping 10 lbs and is 22" in length at 6 weeks old. She smiles at faces and belly raspberries, and cries during tummy time.

She's perfected the art of the 'Zen Baby Swing'...which consists of waking mom up at 2 AM for a swing and a 'OHHHMMMMM'.

Tonight Abigail watched 60 Minutes to listen to President Obama and the presidential challenger, Mitt Romney. Abigail quickly learned that dad's political intellect turns to belly button lint picking when the candidates refuse to give direct answers specific questions.

Like Romney's plan to reduce federal spending by giving social service dollars to the states. The journalist was on Dad's wavelength and asked how that saves money...the answer...'inflation plus one growth'. I call that a belly button lint answer. Really, what the hell does that mean???

The president was asked about bailout results in the context of jobs. The answer was that nothing works perfectly the first time around...and what the hell does that mean???

Then there's congress. Somehow, we parents have to teach our children that these men and women are honorable, hard workers who share our desire of doing what is best for the country; despite the fact that they're behavior at times would find them in time out in any elementary school. This week, congress has taken over a month off work for the election; leaving important legislation, and more importantly to voters, tough decisions, until after the election. Politicians seem to forget about character when it comes to tough decisions.

Unlike the republicans or democrats or yahoos at the extremes...oh, that is the republicans and democrats now days...Abi and her Dad do not see the fabric of America key stoned to a president. The president is important; and probably should not pick belly button lint. But, America is great because of the people; not a person.

Abi will learn her civic responsibility of voting; but, she'll know that civil responsibility doesn't start and end with a vote. It starts by selflessly helping a neighbor; and ends after a life time of service to your country and fellow human beings, at a very advanced age, happily picking lint from your belly button.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Mom & Dad's day

Abigail and Sam celebrated Mom and Dad's anniversary with them today. A beautiful day in the mountains at Snow Basin. Sam and I rode the gondola to the top and mountain biked the 8 mile down hill. Cristal and Abigail hiked the trails around the base, relaxed on the mountainside, and listened to live music. Abigail loved the live music.

The mountain bike ride had an entertaining end; we rode down the mountainside to a live rendition of Santana's Black Magic Woman. Cristal tells me Abigail dug the guitar riffs. Sam could have done without the distractions on the switchbacks.

This is the second year in a row Cristal and I have celebrated an anniversary with the kids; and we're rather liking it. Previously it seemed we worked so hard to find a baby sitter option that we were stressed during whatever activity we were doing. Now we take the kids and go with the flow...and the flow was beautiful today. I wish my words could express the splendor of the day; perhaps photos will.


The Gift of Family!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Second time in a hospital

Today Abigail was in a hospital for the second time in her life. But, this time is was for Dad. I had a surgery to remove what the docs thought was a cyst in my throat.

The doctor wasn't too concerned about the procedure when we consulted in her office. However, I've been human for 42 years and figured out last year that we're pretty much a tube. The tube has a top and bottom; both equally important.

However, the thought of having a doc's hands in the top of the tube gave rise to a bit of anxiety. Abigail was beautifully comforting. She distracted the nurses and doctors so much that a nurse asked if my doctor was Dr Smith and if I had a finger injury; both of which were wrong and certainly made me wonder if I was scheduled for the right surgery.

To ease the anxiety I resorted to humor. As a matter of good form...and self preservation, it's not a good idea to offend the staff that is about to cut you open while you're sleeping. I was asked about advanced directives; so I said, 'if I'm going to die, get a priest'. The nurse promptly responded by telling me that nobody dies in the operating room. So I responded by saying 'of course not, there's a reason the operating table has wheels and the room is next to the exit...'

The humor continued when I met the OR nurse and anesthesiologist. The nurse was Japanese and the anesthesiologist was from Scotland; both of whom had magnificently offensive senses of humor. In fact, the three of us were bust'n each other's chops in the OR while they were doing the NASCAR pit stop move on me. The anesthesiologist told me he came to America by 'marrying one of you...' Obviously that opened up the mail order bride jokes. The Japanese nurse said something about being a professional athlete; which opened up the Sumo jokes.

The male banter between the three of us eased the anxiety, until the anesthesiologist told me the funny juices were flowing. I'm not certain what I said to the Scotish doc and the Japanese nurse next, but I went to sleep hearing the others in the OR laughing hesterically. I do remember a dream about a Scottish Sumo Wrestler wearing a kilt trying to sneak into the country...or maybe I said that out loud???

Thankfully, the doc did not find a cyst, or anything else of concern at the top of the Lance tube. This made me and Abigail very happy. Apparently my voice problems stem from one Dutch vocal cord and one Italian vocal cord...both fighting for land in my throat. The Italian one keeps picking the wrong allies and the Dutch vocal cord can't figure out how to pronounce GGHRHCJEHRETCCHHWERD by itself.

In all seriousness, the hospital is a tough place to go to; not only for yourself, but to see others in tough times in thier lives. However, the experience can certainly narrow one's sense of priorities. Prayer for family, friends, and others at the hospital was comforting. And, the truth about what I really was thinking as I drifted off to sleep in the OR...FAMILY.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Grappa for Gramma

Abigail swanked it up at Grappa's in Park City for Grandma Becky's birthday. The food was delicious and the atmosphere was...well, Park City Swank. Apparently the management saw the VanDongens coming from a distance; we were sequestered on the top floor after Dad made a comment about Abigail's apparent weight loss every time she poops.

This was Abigail's first outing to a restaurant. Foofoo Salmon, pesto pasta, and flat bread rated top honors at the table. Pierce's mac and cheese wasn't just any mac and cheese - pretty sure it was made by french goats. Abigail did great at dinner.

Another first for Abigail was a baby sitter. Cristal was asked to attend a meeting at work; so Abigail stayed with our neighbor Ally Chacon. Abigail met another 'Abigail Grace' who lives in the neighborhood who was born on 7/2/2012 (exactly one month before our Abigail).

We saw little monkey Alex tonight. She came home out of necessity to sustain life. She came in, said hi, started eating, and left before I could say 'hi' back. She destroyed our food pantry; it had an empty echo to it after she left. She's doing great in college and works hard; 6 AM PT sessions Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; and class in pajamas Tuesdays and Thursdays.

She texted me a photo of going to class in her pajamas. I texted back 'no...or else bring my food back'. This was her response - "Never! It's in my belly! I ate it! All of it! **pause for dramatic affect** MUAHAHAHAHA (evil laugh)!"

I'm two weeks into the new assignment at work. After 14 years of swing shift or graveyards, I thought the sun came up at noon. This is madness waking up to an alarm. I do take comfort knowing that when I'm running city creek canyon at 6 AM, somewhere in the valley, my teenage daughter is doing the same with the Army. We're pretty proud of that kid; as we are of the other two. Although, all Abigail does is eat, poop and sleep...but she does it really well.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Red tears

Abigail agonized through her first University of Utah football loss last night. Although Utah State is always a fun underdog to cheer for...they shouldn't win the Utes. Abigail was furious with Coach Wittingham's and Brian Johnson's play calling. There were plenty of red tears when Jordan Wynn re-injured his shoulder and Joe Krugger was ejected. She could barely contain herself.

The tears turned to anger in the over time period. The Utes were penalized for a rarely called offensive infraction which took away their tying TD in the over time. And then, a USU defender smothers Christopher on the last play of the game and it's a no call??? Abigail was beyond consoling.

We had to give her a bath to try calm her down. Clearly the bath was not soothing.

However, Abigail found great comfort knowing that the Utes will be playing BYU next week. The most recent LDS revelation that caffeine is good, promises to keep the BYU players hopped up on Coke and Pepsi the whole week; hence experiencing the caffcrash during the game. RRRRIGHT!!! The Utes are in trouble.

In the midst of the game drama, we finally photographed the ever elusive Abi-smile. It came when John White was running and gaining yards. It went away when bone headed play calling stalled the drives.

There it is...Abigail's smile. This has been happening for three weeks now; I've just been too slow with the shutter to capture it. Maybe this means she'll be an Aggie?

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Denver, Boston, Church, and Dad every night

What a magnificent week. It started with a picnic with family from other parts of the country, Dad did his last SWAT operation (at least for the time being), Sam scored many goals in the Mayor's Cup soccer tournament, and Abigail attended church for the first time.

Last Sunday the family met in Millcreek Canyon for an afternoon picnic. It was Abigail's first adventure into the mountains. She met her Dad's aunt Jeanette and uncle Toby, who were visiting from Denver.

As I write this, aunt Jeanette is preparing to summit one of Colorado's 58 14,000+ ft peaks. She is climbing it on Labor day; then again on September 8th in celebration of a mountain club in which the club will have members on every one of Colorado's 14,000 ft summits on the same day. Maybe we'll get photos for The Daily Abi. Good luck aunt Jeanette!

Abigail also met aunt Niki's parents Ted and Debbie, sister Alicia and husband Rich, and their baby Kaleb. Everybody had a wonderful afternoon in the mountains. And then there was this pink bear...

I said good bye to the SWAT Team this week. After 11 years and hundreds of high hazard operations, many asked me why? My reason - family. I have options in my career I had not had 11 years ago. I have a daughter in college who grew up way too fast, a little boy who is every bit as adventureous as Huckleberry Finn, and a beautiful little girl who has many GOALS for dad to be proud of...and I don't plan on missing anything else. As happy as I am for a normal life with my family, I will miss the SWAT Team. Semper Paratus boys!

Sam has been playing in the Mayor's Cup soccer tournament this Labor Day weekend. He scored a hat trick in his first game. He played almost every minute at striker in his second game, but lost the game in the final minutes 1-0. Abigail watched both games and I'm sure she was proud of her bro.

Now here we are on Sunday again. Abigail attended her first church service at Saint Olaf church. She sat through the entire Mass; and was awake for most of it...which is more than can be said about mom and's tough getting used to baby time again. We exited the church to the beautiful Bountiful sunshine.

The week was finished off with stuffed peppers at Granbma Becky's and Grandpa Max's with T and Niki and cousin Pierce. What a great life Abigail is about experience.