Saturday, September 8, 2012

Red tears

Abigail agonized through her first University of Utah football loss last night. Although Utah State is always a fun underdog to cheer for...they shouldn't win the Utes. Abigail was furious with Coach Wittingham's and Brian Johnson's play calling. There were plenty of red tears when Jordan Wynn re-injured his shoulder and Joe Krugger was ejected. She could barely contain herself.

The tears turned to anger in the over time period. The Utes were penalized for a rarely called offensive infraction which took away their tying TD in the over time. And then, a USU defender smothers Christopher on the last play of the game and it's a no call??? Abigail was beyond consoling.

We had to give her a bath to try calm her down. Clearly the bath was not soothing.

However, Abigail found great comfort knowing that the Utes will be playing BYU next week. The most recent LDS revelation that caffeine is good, promises to keep the BYU players hopped up on Coke and Pepsi the whole week; hence experiencing the caffcrash during the game. RRRRIGHT!!! The Utes are in trouble.

In the midst of the game drama, we finally photographed the ever elusive Abi-smile. It came when John White was running and gaining yards. It went away when bone headed play calling stalled the drives.

There it is...Abigail's smile. This has been happening for three weeks now; I've just been too slow with the shutter to capture it. Maybe this means she'll be an Aggie?

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