Sunday, September 30, 2012

Autumn Adventure

There's something about Autumn that inspires adventure for our family. Maybe its the cooler temperatures after the blistering heat of July and August. Maybe its the mountains blazing with natures season changing hues. Or maybe its just an excuse to not partake in daily druthers. Whatever the case, we're happy for the inspiration.

Abigail attended her first Oktoberfest. It was the Saint Olaf's second annual Oktoberfest. The event is a fund raiser for the church and school; face painting, pony rides, bingo, vendor booth, and the most popular activity - beer garden.

Our family volunteers to help with Oktoberfest. Alex runs the first aid booth - band aids, bee stings, and the occasional over indulged Catholic tend to be the extent of medical needs. I coordinate the security needs for the event - which effectively consists of contacting Bountiful City Police to let them know the Catholics are partying and to stay away.

Abigail had a friend at Oktoberfest, William Skorut. They had belly time together in the grass; Abigial was shy, William looked like he was doing calculus with his fingers.

Abigail has enjoyed Mueller Park Canyon walks in the mornings with Mom and Pele. Mountain hikes invigorate the body, mind and soul...which is certainly why Abigail looks so invigorated.

Pele is funny around Abigail. He completely ignores her; in fact, if he could talk, I have no doubt he would inquire what the 'big deal was about something that only eats, cries, and poops'. After all, Pele is the do anything dog.

I've been drawn to the hills, not only by the Fall colors, but the extended big game bow hunt too. Although, I have to admit, when I'm walking through the hills alone, I tend to take photographs more than I hunt. I'm a terrible hunter; I hear the deer jump up and run away from me in the Oak Brush, but I never see them. It's all good though, sitting in Shepard Canyon, watching the eagles catch their thermals while the sun is setting in the middle of a mountainside of color is enough to keep me going back.

Utah is a wondrous place to live. With a sister like Alex, a brother like Sam, and mom like Cristal, Abigail's adventures will fill a lifetime...I can't wait.

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