Sunday, September 23, 2012

Belly Button Lint

Abigail now weighs a whopping 10 lbs and is 22" in length at 6 weeks old. She smiles at faces and belly raspberries, and cries during tummy time.

She's perfected the art of the 'Zen Baby Swing'...which consists of waking mom up at 2 AM for a swing and a 'OHHHMMMMM'.

Tonight Abigail watched 60 Minutes to listen to President Obama and the presidential challenger, Mitt Romney. Abigail quickly learned that dad's political intellect turns to belly button lint picking when the candidates refuse to give direct answers specific questions.

Like Romney's plan to reduce federal spending by giving social service dollars to the states. The journalist was on Dad's wavelength and asked how that saves money...the answer...'inflation plus one growth'. I call that a belly button lint answer. Really, what the hell does that mean???

The president was asked about bailout results in the context of jobs. The answer was that nothing works perfectly the first time around...and what the hell does that mean???

Then there's congress. Somehow, we parents have to teach our children that these men and women are honorable, hard workers who share our desire of doing what is best for the country; despite the fact that they're behavior at times would find them in time out in any elementary school. This week, congress has taken over a month off work for the election; leaving important legislation, and more importantly to voters, tough decisions, until after the election. Politicians seem to forget about character when it comes to tough decisions.

Unlike the republicans or democrats or yahoos at the extremes...oh, that is the republicans and democrats now days...Abi and her Dad do not see the fabric of America key stoned to a president. The president is important; and probably should not pick belly button lint. But, America is great because of the people; not a person.

Abi will learn her civic responsibility of voting; but, she'll know that civil responsibility doesn't start and end with a vote. It starts by selflessly helping a neighbor; and ends after a life time of service to your country and fellow human beings, at a very advanced age, happily picking lint from your belly button.

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