Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Grappa for Gramma

Abigail swanked it up at Grappa's in Park City for Grandma Becky's birthday. The food was delicious and the atmosphere was...well, Park City Swank. Apparently the management saw the VanDongens coming from a distance; we were sequestered on the top floor after Dad made a comment about Abigail's apparent weight loss every time she poops.

This was Abigail's first outing to a restaurant. Foofoo Salmon, pesto pasta, and flat bread rated top honors at the table. Pierce's mac and cheese wasn't just any mac and cheese - pretty sure it was made by french goats. Abigail did great at dinner.

Another first for Abigail was a baby sitter. Cristal was asked to attend a meeting at work; so Abigail stayed with our neighbor Ally Chacon. Abigail met another 'Abigail Grace' who lives in the neighborhood who was born on 7/2/2012 (exactly one month before our Abigail).

We saw little monkey Alex tonight. She came home out of necessity to sustain life. She came in, said hi, started eating, and left before I could say 'hi' back. She destroyed our food pantry; it had an empty echo to it after she left. She's doing great in college and works hard; 6 AM PT sessions Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; and class in pajamas Tuesdays and Thursdays.

She texted me a photo of going to class in her pajamas. I texted back 'no...or else bring my food back'. This was her response - "Never! It's in my belly! I ate it! All of it! **pause for dramatic affect** MUAHAHAHAHA (evil laugh)!"

I'm two weeks into the new assignment at work. After 14 years of swing shift or graveyards, I thought the sun came up at noon. This is madness waking up to an alarm. I do take comfort knowing that when I'm running city creek canyon at 6 AM, somewhere in the valley, my teenage daughter is doing the same with the Army. We're pretty proud of that kid; as we are of the other two. Although, all Abigail does is eat, poop and sleep...but she does it really well.

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