Sunday, September 2, 2012

Denver, Boston, Church, and Dad every night

What a magnificent week. It started with a picnic with family from other parts of the country, Dad did his last SWAT operation (at least for the time being), Sam scored many goals in the Mayor's Cup soccer tournament, and Abigail attended church for the first time.

Last Sunday the family met in Millcreek Canyon for an afternoon picnic. It was Abigail's first adventure into the mountains. She met her Dad's aunt Jeanette and uncle Toby, who were visiting from Denver.

As I write this, aunt Jeanette is preparing to summit one of Colorado's 58 14,000+ ft peaks. She is climbing it on Labor day; then again on September 8th in celebration of a mountain club in which the club will have members on every one of Colorado's 14,000 ft summits on the same day. Maybe we'll get photos for The Daily Abi. Good luck aunt Jeanette!

Abigail also met aunt Niki's parents Ted and Debbie, sister Alicia and husband Rich, and their baby Kaleb. Everybody had a wonderful afternoon in the mountains. And then there was this pink bear...

I said good bye to the SWAT Team this week. After 11 years and hundreds of high hazard operations, many asked me why? My reason - family. I have options in my career I had not had 11 years ago. I have a daughter in college who grew up way too fast, a little boy who is every bit as adventureous as Huckleberry Finn, and a beautiful little girl who has many GOALS for dad to be proud of...and I don't plan on missing anything else. As happy as I am for a normal life with my family, I will miss the SWAT Team. Semper Paratus boys!

Sam has been playing in the Mayor's Cup soccer tournament this Labor Day weekend. He scored a hat trick in his first game. He played almost every minute at striker in his second game, but lost the game in the final minutes 1-0. Abigail watched both games and I'm sure she was proud of her bro.

Now here we are on Sunday again. Abigail attended her first church service at Saint Olaf church. She sat through the entire Mass; and was awake for most of it...which is more than can be said about mom and's tough getting used to baby time again. We exited the church to the beautiful Bountiful sunshine.

The week was finished off with stuffed peppers at Granbma Becky's and Grandpa Max's with T and Niki and cousin Pierce. What a great life Abigail is about experience.

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