Wednesday, August 22, 2012

New experiences

I spent my first significant amount of time away from Abigail on the archery elk hunt last weekend. A boys weekend out in the high country of Central Utah. The trip entailed lots of sober jack assery by police officers blowing off steam, shooting sharpened sticks at targets (no elk), and walking many miles at or above timberline (10,500'). We saw and stalked a few elk; but, getting within archery distance of an elk is not an easy task. A task that none of us accomplished.

Being in the beautiful back country of Utah was well worth the sore knees and restless nights. One of my friends did fill his deer tag with a small buck. The flowers were still in full bloom on the high ridge lines. I experienced walking into an isolated grove of trees on a high ridge that had no less than 10 great owls perched on the branches. When they took flight it was truly magical to watch. I was too in awe to reach for my camera.

While I was away on the elk hunt, Abi had a new experience with her sister and mom. Alex's five day college orientation began Saturday at Westminister College. Abi spent the entire weekend walking around campus with mom and Alex. The dichotomy of paying for college and diapers at the same time had not escaped us; but, following your first born around a college campus while carrying your two week old, certainly drives home that fact.

Alex is completely moved into her dorm room and in full college mode. She woke up early this morning for Army PT at 0600 hrs at the U of U Hyper building. She is hoping to make the ROTC Ranger Team, an athletic competition team that competes against other ROTC programs. She also would like to be part of the shooting team; she figures having a dad that 's a police sniper might be an advantage.

Abigail's brother started school last week. He had to trim his hair, which was traumatic; since, like Samson, he views his hair as the source of his strength. Does that make Cristal Delilah?

This morning Abigail's bobble head bobbled less. So we tried a new toy; a seat that allows her to sit up. She loved it. She got an upright perspective of the world. I wanted to try her first header with a soccer ball, but, Cristal was the voice of reason, so I refrained.

Life in the VanDongen house hold is different; no Alex, new baby. Cristal and I are embracing the change and are certainly blessed. We closed a chapter in our lives. But every new chapter has a beginning, and this story is getting good.


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