Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Brother Sam

Today Abigail is proud of her older brother. He turned 10 years old today. He played two soccer games in the Sparta Tournament and scored the game winning goal in his second game. His birthday dinner was at the China Platter with his dad and good friend and teammate, Matthew Skorut, after a long day of soccer. Sam proclaimed his best birthday gift was the goal that gave his team the win...but, promptly amended it by saying it wasn't his goal, but, the team's goal.

Abigail's day consisted of sleeping, eating, and pooping. Although, she did stay awake for more consecutive time through the day; and as I sit here writing, she is wide eyed in her crib checking out three blue owls that resemble Mel Brooks in Young Frankenstein. It's all good as long as they don't start grave robbing and stealing 'Abby Normal's' brain.

Abigail also had another set of grandparents visit. Sam's birthday seemed to overshadow Abigail for a short time. But, Abi has a way of sneaking back to the attention fore clamping down on Cristal's nipple.

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