Sunday, August 5, 2012

Hospital room

The stay in the hospital room was pretty routine. Visitors of all shapes and sizes came by; almost non-stop Thursday during the day. We felt very blessed by the support.

The most non-routine part was the fact that the baby still had no name. The few days prior to the delivery, Cristal and I had resorted to what we called the 'NAME GAME'. Cristal had a list of preferred names on her iphone. She would display the list, close her eyes, and move the phone up and down. I would close my eyes with my finger pointed at the iphone, also moving up and down. On the count of three we would both stop and I'd point to what ever name we stopped on. The first time we played the 'NAME GAME' was sitting in our seats Sunday afternoon at 'Wicked' at Capitol Theater; Abigail was chosen two out of three times.

We continued with the name game with Alex and Sam the next couple of days. It became insignificant, other than the fact that I had not remembered about the 'Wicked' results until I sat down to write this.

The other names that were in strong contention were; Sam's favorite, Chelsea (after the soccer team) and Alex's favorite Rhea. We also considered Leah and Caroline. All with Grace as the middle name.

Alex finally said to me, 'Dad make a decision'. I had been relatively quiet with my opinion up to that point. However, if a decision was needed, I wasn't scared. So I said my preferrence was 'MERLIN'...then I amended it to Abigail Grace. Cristal wrote down different spellings on the back of the feed and poop log in the room and ABIGAIL GRACE VANDONGEN was complete.

Sam and I passed the time by dribbling and passing a soccer ball down the hall. The nurses loved it.

Sam also became inately familiar with every position the hospital bed could be molded into...and it became a non-stop game of re-adjusting the bed.

We stayed in the hospital Thursday just as a fail safe if anything came up within the first 24 hrs. We all crammed into the room and slept anywhere we could get horizontal.

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