Sunday, August 12, 2012

First Smile

Today was Abigail's first smile. It was early Sunday morning on the deck. I had just returned from a jog and was doing PT on the deck. Cristal was drinking coffee, reading the daily news, and holding Abigail.

While I was in the middle of a flutter kick set, Cristal proclaimed that Abigail just smiled. Of course I thought, 'what's gas'. So I continued with the exercise. When I finished I walked over to Cristal and Abigail; I gave Abigail a little tickle on her cheek and a coochicoochicoo. And then she smiled; twice. There was no doubt it was in response to us and not in response to 'gas'.

So I glued a camera to my hand and tried to get her to repeat the smile all day; right up until this writing at 2300 luck. So no pictures for this entry of smiles.

Alex, Ariel, and Sam did artwork on the deck. It started out as artwork for Abigail's room, and ended up being artwork on themselves. Mustaches...I have no idea???

Cristal was able to get some yard work done through the day. Abigail got her bath. And I got badly needed 'man time' visiting with a friend, Brandon Hansen, about the upcoming archery elk hunt. Although, Brandon's family accompanied him on the 'man' visit. And after an evening with Abigail, I'm pretty sure his wife and daughter left with plans of having a baby in the near future.

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