Saturday, August 11, 2012

Hiccup or 911

Brother Sam is a great example to his sister. He started the day with dad and morning PT on the trails above our house. He out ran dad and did daring rock work under the radar towers. Later in the day we submitted to the heat and spent 3 hours climbing at a local climbing gym. Sam wowed the other patrons with his perseverance to finish climbs. Dad got a cramped neck from belaying so much.

Abigail had the hiccups today. In and of itself, not note worthy. However, for Cristal and I, it sparked neurons from a hiccup incident 18 years ago.

Alex was an infant and the first baby in the family. We all were getting acclimated to caring for an infant. Grandma Becky and Grandpa Max were watching Alex for us one evening. Alex began to hiccup. Unsure how to address 'baby hiccups', grandma and grandpa considered calling 911. Thankfully they opted for 'Ask a Nurse'; and the hiccups, of course, went away without any intervention. Good outcome for Cristal and I; a '911' call for hiccups from a VanDongen family in SLC could have had disastrous effects on our futures in the emergency services.

Hiccups and all, at one week old, little Abi is doing wonderful. She is still sleeping well at night. She rolls on to her side and lifts her head; both early developments. I'm predicting walking by 6 months and soccer by 18 months...not really :-)

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