Tuesday, August 7, 2012

News and Visitors

Little Abigail received ‘news’ today. It was wonderfully sad news. Abi’s sister, Alex, is moving out to live in college dorms at Westminister College. The move is part of Alex’s ROTC nursing scholarship; Westminister dorm life, Army leadership courses, and 0600 PT…what could be better for a feisty 18 year old.

Alex’s good friend, Ariel, returned from Marine Corp basic training at Parris Island S.C. She was introduced to Abigail in uniform. She returned as the top recruit for her class.

Abigail had many visitors today; grandparents, neighbors, and maintenance men. The most interesting of which was the lawn treatment guy. After educating me about the differences between organic and non-organic chickens in California and how they relate to the crab grass in my front yard, he introduced himself to my wife while she was breast feeding…and just stood there continuing to educate me (school and a show) – this time about how vulnerable humans are with their Achilles tendon; apparently which is why my Blue Healer can ‘take down a man’. Through all this, I never really learned how to get rid of the crabgrass in my yard.

Opa and Abuela Vandongen visited with gifts. They brought dinner and birthday gifts for Samuel. Abigail wasn’t impressed by Sam’s 10th birthday; but what sister is. It was a beautiful night on the deck with Pele showing off his photogenic stature. Abigail wowed the grandparents with her cooing, kicking, and bobble head.

Abigail is excited to meet all the friends and family still in the queue; we are blessed to have many.

Have I mentioned that life is great.

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