Friday, August 10, 2012

The Road Begins???

Is it a coincidence that Abigail was born during the 2012 Summer Olympics in London? That Cristal went into labor while watching the Olympic games? The games that brought redemption to the US Women's National soccer team; they won Japan (the team that beat them in the 2011 World Cup final) to take the gold. Is it coincidence that the US Women's National team played their final friendly prior to the Olympics in Utah, with the VanDongen family in the stands (Abigail in the womb)? What about 'Abby' being a derivative of 'Abigail'?

These are questions that only a soccer obsessed father ponders. A father that sees soccer as a 'way to explain to the world'. There are few things in this world that bring us together as a global community like athletics; and more specifically, like soccer. From the concrete jungles of the United States, to the real jungles of Africa; the cobblestone streets of old Europe to the rain forests of South America. Soccer inspires the mind, invigorates the body, and brings peace to the soul. And the beauty of soccer; only two things are necessary to play - a ball and gravity.

At one week old, Abigail attended her first soccer match. A Sparta Cup tournament that Sam played in. It was a 100 degree day. She was introduced to our family friend's new son, William Skorut, who is 6 weeks old. William's brother is one of Sam's good friends and teammates.

The little siblings brought smile's to their brother's faces; even after a tough loss in the tournament. The babies soaked in the fresh air at the pitch. At one point, I think I saw Abigail attempt to mimic a header from a cross.

The activity certainly benefited mom. Mom got her first shot of fresh air since Abigail was born. She visited with other soccer families on the sideline and soaked in the joy that soccer brings to the fans.

The best benefit came later that night. Abigail slept 7 hours after the excitement of the soccer game. Yet, another reason to be completely obsessed with soccer.

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