Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Two days ago we saw Abigail's first smile. Yesterday she most definitely her sister no less. Alex was holding her at the breakfast table and Abi laughed while Alex was making faces. I was also there; I'm pretty sure it was a laugh, and pretty sure it was at Alex.

Like the day before, we tried and tried to get her to repeat it for the camera. All I got was angry eyes from her.

Today was my first day away from Abigail; I went back to work. To celebrate my return, some of my work colleagues thought it would be a fun challenge to run 16 miles up a mountain before work. So at 6:30 AM I started running up Blacks Peak from Terrace Hills Drive. We summited in an hour and 25 minutes. We descended the back side of the mountain (Smugglers Gap Trail) to City Creek Canyon, then ran City Creek Canyon to the police station and finished 3 hours 45 minutes after we started - 16 miles and more vertical feet than I can count.

The challenge was one of the hardest physical activities I've ever done. I used a secret weapon energy source recommended to me from Doctor Rob...thanks worked great. To top the day off, we had SWAT training for work after the run...ouch!

Many years ago, Cristal and I passed up career opportunities on the east coast in order to keep our children close to their family and immersed in the beauty of Utah. When I run, ride, or ski on Utah trails, and I'm lost in mother nature's glory (I never run, ride, or ski with an ipod), I ponder the wonderful times our children will have in the mountains, red rocks, deserts, rivers, and lakes of Utah. And, now that I have three children, I have to run even further to think about them all.

I like to think Abigail missed me today; the thought of her kept my legs moving during the teen miles. But, when I picked her up this evening, the first thing she did was try to eat from from apparently it's not's my nipples.

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