Monday, August 6, 2012

Day Five of Life

Today it was evident that Abigail developed in the womb of a rabid soccer fan. The entire family and neighbor (James) watched the USA Women's National Team play Canada in the 2012 Olympic semi-final match. Alex Morgan scored the game winning goal in the 123rd minute of play (30 seconds left in the game). The family absolutely erupted; pandamonia in our TV room - jumped so high I hit my hand on our ceiling fan. Abi was right there and slept through it.

Day five brought lots of new activity. Abi was awake for much of the day. Mom and Sam sang songs for 30 minutes to her. She was intrigued by the duo.

Uncle T and cousin Pierce visited this evening. They attended a soccer game for Sam and sat down for a meal with the newest VanDongen. The only hiccup was that the newest VanDongen required a nipple - which obviously took Cristal out of our dinner plans.

Abigail is an eater. We've nick named Cristal 'The Cow' because that's how Abi sees her...a milk machine.

The last five days have been nothing short of pure joy. My heart and soul are filled with love and happiness. It's funny what a new life brings to the old ones...Priority. From when I wake up in the morning to when I've gone to bed in the evening, my thoughts have been consumed with the miracle of life. She truly is a blessing. Life is better with Alex. Life is better with Sam. Life is better with Abigail.

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